Any Park Members?

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67, female


Posts: 1

Re: Any Park Members?

from bostonyooper on 04/15/2017 03:55 AM

I was GEEJ ...later Bostonyooper!  Frequented the 30's room --- and floated around in other rooms for the heck of it - 40's as well.

Met the love of my life there (1996) and married him in 1998.  Still married after all this time and going strong...

Thanks for bringing us back Brent!



60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Any Park Members?

from brentnhunter on 04/16/2017 05:12 PM

Great to see you here Bostonyooper!  So glad to hear you guys are still married all these years later. Welcome (back!) to ECC! 



39, female

Posts: 1

Re: Any Park Members?

from Cat2004 on 06/29/2017 06:05 PM

I was a member! I frequented the room "Outdoor Park" and my nickname was Cat. My sisters went as Blue Sky and Sil.

Some of the people I remember chatting with were Don Quixote, Teddy Bear, Herrill, No One Special, Sullen.... it was so long ago so I'm drawing a blank on several others.

Anyone remember this room???



60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Any Park Members?

from brentnhunter on 07/08/2017 11:25 PM

I remember it! :)  Welcome to ECC, Cat2004!



97, female

Posts: 1

Re: Any Park Members?

from pickles on 07/23/2017 09:58 PM

Yes, Brent.  Denizen,  occasional lurker and one-time staff member.



60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Any Park Members?

from brentnhunter on 07/24/2017 02:41 AM

Welcome to ECC, Pickles/Denizon!



68, male

Posts: 1

Re: Any Park Members?

from Arkie on 09/23/2017 03:26 PM

It's nice to see a few old Park members here. It really was an incredable place in it's time. With all of the modern communications available I'm not sure a chat room would survive now although it's not without it's own charms. With the modern technology you only communicate with people you already know, for the most part. With the chat rooms, you had the oppertunity to meet and get to know all kinds of new people from around the world. You made many new friends, or aquaintences. It was a place I know that I was always anxious to go. While most people might have spent their friday nights out on the town I always found it more pleasurable to sit down in front of my computer and visit with all my online friends. That may sound a little weird, but the chatroom held it's own magic, it's own fun. Those of you that had this experience will understand where I'm coming from. For those of you that didn't. I'm sorry. You missed a fantastic adventure or experience.

I hope to see more of the people I remember on here. I chatted mostly in the 40 something room, thus my age at the time.
Best wishes to all. :)



60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Any Park Members?

from brentnhunter on 09/25/2017 03:04 AM

Thanks for your post and for finding ECC, Arkie.  Welcome!



69, female

Posts: 2

Re: Any Park Members?

from Jewel on 12/13/2017 08:50 AM

Hi all, I was Jewel from Brisbane Australia. I was often in the Romantic 40s and the 40s rooms. Though I visited other rooms over the years. 



58, male

Posts: 1

Re: Any Park Members?

from MadMike on 12/29/2017 09:19 AM

Yes, I used the same name. Joined about 1995.

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