Finding peace amid the Covid-19 crisis

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60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Finding peace amid the Covid-19 crisis

from brentnhunter on 04/04/2020 10:15 PM

Hi Donna,

No worries about your post, I appreciate the time and energy you spent to leave your message here.  I think a lot of people are feeling similar... scared, alone, not sure what is going to happen or what to do... I just want everyone to know you are not alone and there is a plce where we can all come together online. Together we are stronger.

Stay safe!




58, female


Posts: 17

Re: Finding peace amid the Covid-19 crisis

from pinkpetals on 04/03/2020 03:23 AM

Sorry it was long. :) I'm taking it one day at a time.. Trying to stay safe yet enjoy life. My mind is on my family of course, but others who are suffering. Thank you for reaching out to everyone offering your services. 

Stay Safe! 



60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Finding peace amid the Covid-19 crisis

from brentnhunter on 03/31/2020 02:55 PM

Hi Donna,

Thanks so much for your long post.  I'm sorry to hear of the challenges going on for you and for all of us.  Stay safe and healthy please.



58, female


Posts: 17

Finding peace amid the Covid-19 crisis

from pinkpetals on 03/30/2020 02:12 AM

Sending love and light to everyone affected by the world-wide pandemic. I would imagine this crisis has touched everyone's lives to one extent or another. If you would like to share your experiences or frustrations, please fell welcome. 

I live in Tennessee. The goveronr is slow to act, the hospitals are testing more, but that's merely because more people are noticeably sicker, not because the CDC guidelines for testing has changed. Cases are climbing, increasing sometimes 20-30% daily. It quadrupled in one 24hr period and then 42% increase within 12hrs. 

My grandchildren (yes grandchildren, haha) by the eldest daughter and my youngest (son), are being homeschooled by my adult middle child living at home (she's wheelchair bound but has a degree in psychology) and myself. Having four at a time all day from 6:30-4, making meals, constantly cleaning up messes by the 2yr old in the interim of answering questions posed by classwork, has been challenging.

The schoolbus drivers are driving their routes to supply cafeteria and donated consumable food items for the children, for which I'm very grateful. For the picky grandchildren, I can duly declare, "Eat it! This is what is offered at school!" :) 

Once a week I brave visiting a local dollar store for essential items as our Walmart limits quantities of anything no matter what it is to a maxium of 2. Two cans of soup don't go anywhere for a week. I"m used to buying for a week or a month at a time. But I'm still well-stocked on canned veggies. I just have to use them sparsely as I can only purchase two cans of corn, no matter if it's different brands. The system won't allow it now. I can buy one bag of sugar, but not one each of two different brands. Some items I cannot order for Walmart Grocery pickup at all, like eggs or bread. I would have to go in their store, and I'm not risking shopping a big store like that. 

When I return from shopping, I'm always aware if I cough or sneeze (I have seasonal allergies and asthma) and worry until a sufficient number of days has passed. Crazy huh? I fear of picking up the virus and passing onto my wheelchair bound daughter or older husband who has a compromised immune system and also asbestos in his lungs from 30 years ago working in a retail store. But I also worry about leaving them behind, and my kids not having someone to care for my grandchildren. It saves them money, allows them to work and try to get ahead without outrageous childcare fees.

I worry about our nation too. It was already seriously divided. Things are happening to our government that my father would never have approved of. Hopefully, he can't see what is happening down here? 

But I have been enjoying working in my vegetable garden this weekend. I'm tired, I hurt physically, but it felt gratifying to spend time tooling outside and making a difference. Hopefully, everything will grow and they can be canned to put back for the months ahead. Nothing like a fresh salad or home cooked green beans from the garden. :)

Well, time to rest before another week of homeschool begins. We'll be at it until at least the last of April, maybe the end of the school year in May. 


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