Examples of good deeds during COVID-19 pandemic

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60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Examples of good deeds during COVID-19 pandemic

from brentnhunter on 04/04/2020 10:16 PM

Thanks PinkPetals, those are awesome and inspiring examples!

Has anyone heard any other cool things people are doing to uplift and inspire one another?



58, female


Posts: 17

Re: Examples of good deeds during COVID-19 pandemic

from pinkpetals on 04/03/2020 04:35 AM

The examples I've currently read and been exposed to are the Teddy Bear Hunts in my state. It started in Clarksville, TN and the object is to put teddy bears in the windows of your home or business for a "scavenger hunt" and parents can get out of the house with their little ones in tow, while kids have fun with the activity. 

The second one is a student teacher at Eastern Kentucky University, our northerly neighbor who is a senior studying education for the deaf and hard of hearing. She realized that people who are deaf or communicating with deaf and hard of hearing cannot see faces, which carry emotion and relate what is communicated through sign language.  So her and her mother began sewing masks that show the lower half of one's face. They made them from bedsheets they have and clear plastic that is sewable. 



60, male


Posts: 52

Examples of good deeds during COVID-19 pandemic

from brentnhunter on 03/31/2020 03:01 PM

I have two examples which recently warmed my heart:

1. The story where a family gathered outside their grandmother's house to sing happy birthday to her while they practice physical distancing (https://www.today.com/video/family-members-sing-happy-birthday-to-grandma-from-outside-her-house-81012805795 )

2. A colleague told me the teachers at their child's school created a "parade" for the kids by driving through the neighborhoods where they lived, a parade of about 20 cars.  How beautiful and creative!

Do you have any examples you'd like to share?


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