Age no longer displayed on profiles

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60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Age no longer displayed on profiles

from brentnhunter on 06/22/2020 05:02 AM

I'm happy to say that the company has finally removed age from being displayed around ECC.  I'm still shocked that any company would think to show age as the default setting but I'm glad it's finally fixed.



60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Age no longer displayed on profiles

from brentnhunter on 05/07/2020 05:39 AM

Grrrr, you're right!  I can see age is still being displayed.  

I'm proud of my age, experience and wisdom that comes with it but frankly I am flabbergasted that a company that makes technology to bring people together would assume that it's ok to display age and not give the sysadmin the ability to suppress the age.

Thanks for letting me know, pinkpetals... I'm going to try to reach out the them again but their customer support has been wretched.



58, female


Posts: 17

Re: Age no longer displayed on profiles

from pinkpetals on 05/07/2020 05:24 AM

I see yours and everyone else's age in the posts, not on the profiles. But I'm kewl with it, either way! I've earned every stripe I have.. :) Hope you are doing well, Brent! 



60, male


Posts: 52

Age no longer displayed on profiles

from brentnhunter on 04/30/2020 02:28 PM

A few weeks ago I was shocked to see that the system we currently use here at ECC was displaying age on some profiles.  That problem has since been fixed. Apologies for any consternation that this may have caused!


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