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58, female


Posts: 17

Re: Any Park Members?

from pinkpetals on 05/03/2019 03:26 PM

Have you found her among the members list or message board yet? 



47, male

Posts: 3

Re: Any Park Members?

from devils_pet on 04/27/2019 12:55 PM

I knew a cyberchic from another chat room back in the late 90's



60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Happy Spring!

from brentnhunter on 04/15/2019 04:56 PM

Hey pinkpetals, thanks so much, wishing you and your family the most inspiring Spring!



58, female


Posts: 17

Happy Spring!

from pinkpetals on 04/14/2019 02:20 AM

Happy Spring to everyone and may you find joy in all those things you enjoy during this season!  Other than pollen and the worst weather I've experienced in years! We've been fortunate compared to other states, and I hope this note finds everyone well amid the blizzards, floods, hail, and wind events. I'm still attempting to weed garden before planting, that is if the storms and grandbaby sitting duties ever abate. 

Hope everyone enjoys your Easter celebration and upcoming Mothers Day!  I'll be on the ballfields watching the grandbabies (2 boys and 1 girl playing baseball), watching two other grands (5 mos and 12mos), keeping the cranky huzzband from hurting himself, referreeing the three children from fighting among themselves and Jury Duty. Uggg.. And I thought I was effin' retired!!?? 
pinkpetals aka Loglady



60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Any Park Members?

from brentnhunter on 02/21/2019 05:11 AM

Welcome to ECC, twilite!



44, male

Posts: 1

Re: Any Park Members?

from twilite on 02/20/2019 04:49 AM

I was twilite. I so miss the old Park forums. It was where I met the first real love of my life, CyberChic. It didn't work out, but it's a great memory and i miss the wonderful embracing of the community there. It was just so warm so often. 



60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Any Park Members?

from brentnhunter on 01/23/2019 05:38 AM

Welcome to ECC, MrBunnyRabbit!



60, male

Posts: 1

Re: Any Park Members?

from MrBunnyRabbit on 01/22/2019 07:50 PM

I was Mr~Bunny~Rabbit, although I went by Bankers now and then too.  I mostly hung out in the Romantic 30's.



60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Any Park Members?

from brentnhunter on 01/09/2019 05:56 AM

Thanks pinkpetals, I agree.  And I'm glad you found your way to ECC!



58, female


Posts: 17

Re: What is the greatest issue facing humanity?

from pinkpetals on 01/09/2019 05:36 AM

I would say greed which lends itself to the constant threat of war.. needless war. It's what keeps humanity from going forward before there is another inevitable civilization restart. Secondly, the haves versus the have-nots, class war, which of course feeds into the war cfinanced complex. There is always something created to divide people, then create a war that garners profits from selling weaponry on both sides. 

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